Please note that this product is still in development and that the preview information and screenshots on this page are subject to change and do not necessarily reflect the final official release.

The greatest collection of taiko sounds for all creators

The taiko sound has become an invaluable resource for music production and soundtracks the world over. With TAIKO THUNDER, Sonica Instruments is bringing to creators every vibration of the taiko’s world-beating power and expressiveness at a scale never seen before.

Our objective was to develop the greatest taiko library ever, both in terms of quality and quantity. To this end, we carefully sampled some of Japan’s most esteemed taiko performers playing 20 different percussion instruments essential to any taiko ensemble. And to ensure maximum realism, we sampled the sound variations at 19 different hit positions for both the left and right hands.

TAIKO THUNDER eclipses any previous taiko sample libraries, as it features dozens of articulations, seven microphone channels for exceptional mixing versatility, and over 1,000 MIDI grooves taken from live performances by top taiko performers.

Main Features​

  • Includes separate instrument interfaces specifically designed to replicate the behavior of all 16 taiko drums as well as the chappa, shoko, and kagurasuzu percussion instruments and kakegoe calls
  • For taiko drums, reproduces the sound variations at each hit position for both the left and right hands
  • Ensemble function recreates either solo performances or two to four-person ensembles
  • Full mixing control with seven microphone channels + a dedicated stereo mix
  • Modelling allows for full customization of the sonic character of each instrument
  • Three play modes to choose from to suit your performance / input style
  • Supports Roland’s TAIKO-1
  • Contains over 1,000 MIDI grooves

Pricing TBD

Product Specifications

  • Kontakt Player 6.8.1 or newer
  • Native Access compatible
  • Data size TBD

User manual

Rewriting the book on taiko sample packs

Sonica Instruments released the world’s first realistic taiko sample pack, Japanese Taiko Percussion, back in 2008 to global acclaim. In the 16 years that have followed, we have completely reshaped the library, crafting a brand-new, next-generation product.

We enlisted the finest recording engineers to capture taiko performances by Japan’s elite percussionists in some of the best halls in Japan. The samples were then painstakingly edited by Japanese taiko experts to ensure the library delivers every nuance of the taiko sound, even down to how the drumheads reverberate in the air.

TAIKO THUNDER: The Ultimate Collection is essentially 20 separate titles, as it provides unique instrument interfaces for 16 types of taiko drums as well as the chappa, shoko, and kagurasuzu percussion instruments, kakegoe calls, and other elements essential for a taiko ensemble. The interfaces are designed to be as realistic as possible, with instrument-specific articulations, parameters, graphics, and multiple play modes.

Single-sided taiko instruments

  • Tsukeshime-daiko 1.1
  • Tsukeshime-daiko 1.2
  • Tsukeshime-daiko 1.22
  • Tsukeshime-daiko 1.3
  • Nagado-daiko 1.2
  • Nagado-daiko 1.6
  • Nagado-daiko 2.7
  • Hirado-daiko 2.0
  • Ohhira-daiko 3.3
  • Ohdaiko 3.4
  • Ohdaiko 4.0
  • Okedo Eitetsu 1.8
  • Okedo-daiko 2.8

Double-sided taiko instruments

  • Katsugi Okedo 1.4
  • Katsugi Okedo 1.7
  • Shimeshishi-daiko

Metallic percussion instruments

  • Chappa
  • Shoko
  • Kagurasuzu

Vocal sound effects

  • Kakegoe


Virtuoso Japanese Seriesで培ってきた独自のサウンドモデリング技術をさらに進化させて搭載。アタックの音色を保ったまま自然なチューニングを行えるのはもちろん、アタック成分やボディー成分の音量や音程を個別に調整する等、楽器に合わせた細かなサウンドメイクが可能です。

太鼓の持つ要素を余すことなくキャプチャーするため、サンプルは24bit/96kHzで収録。7種類のマイクポジションと、それらをバランス良くミックスしたStereo Mixの計8本のマルチマイク・チャンネルを用意。マルチマイクを自在にミックス可能です。


太鼓奏者の演奏をそのままMIDI Grooveとして収録。リズムのベーシックに最適な地打ちからソロフレーズ、組み太鼓まで1,000種類以上のパターンを収録。専用のGroove Browserを使用することで簡単に視聴し、ドラッグ&ドロップでDAWソフトに取り込むことができます。


TAIKO THUNDERには、キースイッチ操作によって片手で太鼓演奏を表現できる「Standard」。すべてのアーティキュレーションが鍵盤に配置され、打ち込みに便利なだけでなく太鼓を演奏しているかのように使用可能な「Advanced」。そしてMIDIドラムパッドに特化した「Pad」の3つの演奏モードを搭載しています。

Customization to suit every situation and instrument variation

TAIKO THUNDER comes with a more advanced version of the unique sound modelling technology developed for our Virtuoso Japanese series titles. This modelling technology enables natural-sounding pitch adjustments as well as adjustments for the hitting position, head tension, bachi thickness, drum body size, and many other parameters, with independent controls for the left and right hands. As a result, we can confidently say this library encompasses every possible taiko sound, allowing you to journey through any sonic landscape you like, from modern taiko ensembles to rare kagura ceremonial dances.

To capture every element of the taiko sound, we recorded all samples in 96 kHz / 24-bit resolution at seven microphone positions, for a total of eight microphone channels including a well-balanced stereo mix. This multi-mic mixing versatility lets you recreate a diversity of sounds and soundstages.

Play modes include support for drum pads

TAIKO THUNDER has three different play modes. The Standard mode lets you play with one hand by manipulating key switches. The Advanced mode arranges all articulations along a keyboard, which not only makes it easier to input beats by hand but also can be used to play like a real taiko. The third Pad mode is specialized for MIDI drum pads.

Pad mode supports generic MIDI pads and electronic drums. It is also optimized for TAIKO-1, Roland’s electronic taiko instrument. The TAIKO-1 is a versatile instrument equally adept for music production and live performances.







TAIKO THUNDERでは、左手9ポジション右手10ポジションの鳴らし分けを実現。打点位置は鍵盤やMIDIコントローラーを使うことで、感覚的かつリアルタイムに変化させることができます。




TAIKO THUNDERでは、現代に広く普及しているチャッパ奏法を開発・体系化した和太鼓奏者、金子竜太郎氏による演奏をサンプリング。クローズからオープンまで32種類にも及ぶアーティキュレーションと独自の演奏エンジンを組み合わせることで、チャッパの持つ柔軟で繊細な表現をソフトウェア音源で実現します。








Library Details



  • Hits (19 positions)
  • Tsuke&Drag1
  • Tsuke&Drag2
  • Open Rim
  • Yukibai
  • Flam
  • Buzz
  • Fuchi Tip
  • Fuchi Inside
  • Bamboo Hit (*)
  • Bamboo Drag (*)
  • Rivet Roll 1 (*)
  • Rivet Roll 2 (*)
  • Stick

*Selected drums only


  • Jee ra
  • Jee
  • Jan (five types)
  • Chan (two types)
  • Chin (two types)
  • Chi (two types)
  • Kai (two types)
  • Ko (two types)
  • Ke
  • Ki
  • Ku
  • Po (two types)
  • Variable Hit
  • Double Stroke (two types)
  • Open Roll
  • Half Open Roll
  • Close Roll
  • Open
  • Open<Mute (three types)
  • Rub (eight types)


  • Center Open
  • Center Mute
  • Inside L
  • Inside R
  • Inside L Stop
  • Inside R Stop
  • Fuchi R
  • InsideL Noise1
  • InsideL Noise2
  • InsideR Noise1
  • InsideR Noise2


  • Twist to Left
  • Twist to Right
  • Shake Down
  • Shake Up1
  • Shake Up2
  • Alternate Hit
  • Turn Hit
  • Strike Hand
  • Roll Short
  • Roll Long
  • Cresc. Roll1
  • Cresc. Roll2
  • Cresc. Roll3
  • Cresc. Roll Short


Tsukeshime-daiko (four sizes)


The tsukeshime-daiko consists of two heads skins stretched over steel rings that are bound together and tensioned with cords or bolts.

The drum is distinctive for its gorgeous sharp, high-pitched sound. Its pitch can be tuned by adjusting the binding tension. The tsukeshime-daiko plays a central role in an ensemble, as its powerful sound is ideal for setting the rhythm and tempo of a piece and maintaining the rhythmic feel.

The head skins vary in thickness and are measured in units called cho-gake. The thinnest skin is about 11 mm (one cho-gake, also called namitsuke) and skins go up in thickness from two cho-gake (~19 mm) to five cho-gake (~29 mm). The thicker the skin, the harder and stiffer the drum’s sound and response.

The library includes four tsukeshime-daiko sizes: 33 cm (1 shaku 1 sun in traditional units), 36 cm (1 shaku 2 sun), 36.6 cm (1 shaku 2 sun 2 bu), and 39 cm (1 shaku 3 sun). The audio sample features the Tsukeshime-daiko 1.2.

Nagado-daiko (three sizes)


Literally meaning “long barrel”, the nagado-daiko is easy to recognize because the drum body is longer than the drumhead diameter. Frequently seen on stages, at bon dances, and many other settings, the nagado-daiko is what many people imagine when they think of taiko instruments. It is also called miya-daiko [Shinto shrine drum] because it’s often used at Shinto shrines and other religious events.

The nagado-daiko is made by hollowing out a single piece of wood so the sound will resonate inside the body, creating its distinctive deep and booming tone.

The drum’s sound varies considerably depending on where the drumhead is struck, allowing for a variety of tonal expressions with just a single drum by combining various drum strokes.

The library includes three nagado-daiko sizes: 36 cm (1 shaku 2 sun in traditional units), 48 cm (1 shaku 6 sun), and 81 cm (2 shaku 7 sun). The audio sample features the Nagado-daiko 2.7.



The hirado-daiko [literally “flat-bodied drum”] has a short, flat body compared to the size of the drumhead.

Because the materials and construction are the same as the nagado-daiko, the hirado-daiko has a similar pronounced bass tone. Its shorter body, however, lends it a unique sharp, yet deep, sound with shorter reverberations than its longer cousin.

The hirado-daiko can be played set on a frame or suspended from a stand.

Hirado-daiko 2.0 has a diameter of about 60 cm (2 shaku in traditional units).



Hirado-daiko with a body diameter of more than 90 cm (3 shaku) are generally called ohhira-daiko.

The ohhira-daiko is used in a wide range of situations, from solo performances to ensembles, and it often becomes a stage symbol because of its dominant sound and presence.

Its large diameter gives it a superior low-frequency range, and only the ohhira-daiko can produce deep tones that fill an entire space. There are several ways to hit the drum, including striking it from the front when it is placed vertically or striking it from above when placed face down.

Hirado-daiko with a body diameter of more than 90 cm (3 shaku) are generally called ohhira-daiko.

Ohhira-daiko 3.3 has a diameter of about 99 cm (3 shaku 3 sun in traditional units).

Ohdaiko (two sizes)


Nagado-daiko with a body diameter of more than 90 cm (3 shaku) are generally called ohdaiko.

The ohdaiko is used in a wide range of situations, from solo performances to ensembles, and it often becomes a stage symbol because of its dominant sound and presence.

Its large diameter gives it a superior low-frequency range, and only the ohdaiko can produce deep tones that fill an entire space. The tone changes substantially depending on where the drum is struck, which together with its dynamics, allows for tremendous expressive power. Because of these factors, the player must have a high level of technical skill and expressiveness to play the ohdaiko well.

The library includes two ohdaiko sizes: 102 cm (3 shaku 4 sun in traditional units) and 120 cm (4 shaku). The audio sample features the Ohdaiko 4.0.



The okedo-daiko is made of long, slender planks of wood joined together like a tub. The body and drumheads are fastened together with cords, and the drum’s pitch can be tuned by adjusting the tension of the cords.

In addition to the wide range of sounds available through different tunings, the okedo-daiko offers a high degree of flexibility in sounds and performance styles, through such innovations as combining various sizes of drums.

Okedo-daiko 2.8 has a diameter of about 84 cm (2 shaku 8 sun in traditional units) and a body length of about 90 cm (5 shaku).

Katsugi Okedo (two sizes)

The katsugi okedo-daiko is a okedo-daiko played while wearing a shoulder strap.

Because the performer can move around freely while playing, the katsugi okedo-daiko is an essential drum for the modern stage, given its superior performance and visual impact. Many performing groups today incorporate the katsugi okedo-daiko into their music.

Unique to the katsugi okedo-daiko is particular technique, called ryomen-uchi, in which the drummer shifts the position of the drum while playing and strikes both drumheads with two bachi.

The library includes two katsugi okedo sizes: 42 cm (1 shaku 4 sun in traditional units) and 51 cm (1 shaku 7 sun). The audio sample features the Katsugi Okedo 1.7.

Okedo Eitetsu

Eitetsu Hayashi, who participated in the founding of the taiko groups Ondekoza and Kodo, both from Sado Island, and who pioneered new possibilities for Japanese percussion, conceived of the okedo eitetsu-daiko.

A revamping of the okedo-daiko for stage performances, the okedo eitetsu-daiko is characterized by a smaller ratio between the drumhead diameter and the body length compared to a regular okedo-daiko. The drum’s tuning can be changed by adjusting the tension of the cords.

Okedo Eitetsu 1.8 has a diameter of about 54 cm (1 shaku 8 sun in traditional units).



The shimeshishi-daiko emerged from the stage of the taiko group Kodo as an extension of the tsukeshime-daiko. Its biggest distinction is the use of different leathers on each side: one side is cowhide and the other is horsehide.

It is an idiosyncratic instrument with a piercing, dry sound full of presence that makes it stand out even in a massive ensemble.


The chappa is a pair of small handheld metallic cymbals played by striking them together. It is used as a rhythmic instrument accompanying taiko performances and in folk music. It is sometimes called a hand clapper or copper clapper.

The chappa allows for a variety of tonal expressions by controlling the strike location and intensity. In addition to open and closed sounds, the cymbals can be rubbed or clashed together for a lingering reverberant sound. The chappa was originally only an accompanying instrument, but in recent years modern playing styles have been devised and solo chappa performances are on the rise.


The shoko is a gong held in the left hand and stroked with the right hand using a bachi called a shumoku, which has a deer horn tip.

Although the shoko is used in gagaku and Buddhist rituals, this library includes a shoko variant attached to a frame with a handle that is used as a rhythmic instrument in awa odori dances.

It has the hard, sharp tone characteristic of metallic instruments, which is ideal for setting rhythmic tempos and leading an ensemble.


The kagurasuzu is a bell tree traditionally held by miko [shrine maidens] when performing kagura dances at Shinto rites. It is also used in Noh and Kabuki plays. It is sometimes called a sanbansosuzu because it is used in by the Sanbanso character in the Noh play Okina.

The kagurasuzu has 15 bells, organized in three tiers from the bottom of seven, five, and three bells, and has a woven handle at the end. The bells are sounded by shaking the arm or twisting the wrist.


An integral part of any taiko ensemble are the performers’ kakegoe calls. The library contains such familiar calls as “Hai” and “So~re”.
In addition to Male 1, Male 2, Male 3, and Female solo kakegoe calls, the library features Three Male and Three Male + Female combo kakegoe calls. Use these to add color to any musical piece.






対応製品Kontakt Player 6.8以降
データ容量NCW xxx GB(WAV 約xxxx GB相当)
システム要件Kontakt Playerの最新の対応状況はNative Instruments社のWEBサイトをご覧ください
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