

Please read the terms of the following so2ware licensing agreement before using this so2ware. By installing and loading these products on your computer you acknowledge that you have read this license agreement, understand the agreement, and agree to its terms and condi=ons. If you do not agree to these terms and condi=ons, do not install or use the sounds contained herein. This is the complete agreement between you and Sonica Inc. that supersedes any other representa=ons or prior agreements, whether oral or in writing.

An important thing to understand is that YOU ARE OBTAINING A LICENSE FOR YOUR USE ONLY— THE SOUNDS DO NOT BELONG TO YOU. The implications are described below. The sounds, samples and programming in the Sonica Instruments SoIware products remain the sole property of Sonica Inc. and are licensed (not sold) to you.

What You Can Do:
You may use these sounds in recordings, music productions, public performances, and other reasonable musical purposes within musical composi=ons. You may use these sounds in your own musical composi=ons as much as you like without any need to pay Sonica Inc. or obtain further permission. If you do use these sounds, we ask that you include the following courtesy credits in any written materials or credits accompanying your music that utilizes material from the Sonica Instruments So2ware products (CD booklet, film credits, etc.): “Instrument samples used in this recording are from the Sonica Instruments [ product )tle ]” — or a similar credit where prac=cable. You are allowed a maximum of two (2) installa=ons per purchase, including installa=ons of the product on internal computer storage media or external storage media.

What You Cannot Do:
The enclosed sounds may not be re-used in any commercial sample library or competitive product. You are absolutely forbidden to duplicate, copy, distribute, transfer, upload, download, trade or loan this so2ware or any of the contents in any way to anyone. You may not redistribute this product in whole or in part through an archive, collection, through the Internet, or a binaries group, newsgroups, or any type of removable media, or through a network. You cannot resell the product. The sounds and samples contained within this so2ware may not be edited, modified, digitally altered, re-synthesized or manipulated.

Disclaimers and Conditions:
A right to use this Sonica Instruments So2ware product is granted to the original end-user only, and this license is not transferable. The sounds of the Sonica Instruments So2ware product will only work with Na=ve Instruments Kontakt and will not work with any other sampler. The Licensor will not be responsible if the content of this program does not fit the par=cular purpose of the Licensee. Please make sure before installing this item that it meets your needs, as there are no refunds. Informa=on contained herein is subject to change without no=ce and does not represent a commitment on the part of Sonica Inc. The sounds are licensed “as is” without warranties of any kind. Neither Sonica Inc, nor any agent or distributor can be held responsible for any direct or indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of this product in whatever form.

The Sonica Instruments So2ware product may not be returned for any reason other than manufacturing defects.

Acknowledgement of Governing Law:
The parties agree to and acknowledge that the Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and that the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of competent jurisdiction in the first instance for all claims, disputes, or controversies arising under, out of, or in connection with the Agreement or the breach thereof.

Language of the Agreement Document:
An English-language transcription of the original Japanese-language license agreement and its Exhibits shall be provided as an aBachment. In the event of a disparity or contradiction between the Japanese-language license agreement and the English-language transcription, the Japanese-language license agreement shall take precedence over the English-language transcription.

The user agrees to read the manual before seeking technical support and to make sure his or her system meets or exceeds the recommended requirements. The user also agrees to register this Sonica Instruments So2ware product with Sonica Inc. There are no refunds once downloaded and registered.

SONICA INSTRUMENTS ソフトウェア製品エンドユーザー使用許諾契約書

本Sonica Instrumentsソフトウェア製品(以下「本製品」といいます)をご使用になる前に、以下の使用許諾契約書(以下「本契約書」といいます)の諸条件を必ずお読み下さい。本製品をコンピュータにインストールまたはロードした時点で、お客様は本契約書を読み、理解し、諸条件に同意したものとみなされます。本契約書の諸条件に同意されない場合は、本製品をインストールまたはご使用にならないで下さい。本契約書はお客様と株式会社ソニカとの間に締結される正式な契約書であり、書面または口頭による従来の如何なる合意および了解事項に優先するものです。











